Food Safety Inspections

SQF Packaging Standard: How to Ensure Compliance for Food Packaging

The SQF Food Safety Code (FSC) for Manufacture of Food Packaging outlines best practices for ensuring food safety in manufacturing food packaging materials. Navigating the complexities of the Code can be daunting, especially when trying to understand what specific requirements apply to your operations.

This article aims to simplify the process by providing a summary of the SQF Packaging FSC. We will break down the major sections of the Code, highlight key requirements, and help you determine whether it’s the right certification for you.

Background information: What Is Safe Quality Food (SQF) Certification in the Food Industry?

Overview of the SQF Food Packaging Code

The SQF Food Packaging Code focuses on implementing and maintaining food safety  management systems in the manufacture of food packaging materials. It provides detailed requirements to ensure packaging materials are produced, handled, and stored in safe and hygienic conditions.

Compliance with the Code is essential for packaging manufacturers aiming to achieve SQF certification.

The SQF Packaging Code applies to:

Examples of covered products include:

Structure of the SQF Packaging Code

The Code is split into two major sections:

Part A: Before certification is granted, many steps have to be checked to ensure certification. The Certification Audits play a crucial role to assess and ensure compliance with the SQF Packaging standards. The certification program, including the audit process, is laid out in Part A of the Code.

Part B: Part B contains the  specific requirements that facilities must implement and maintain to ensure food safety and quality. These criteria will be used as the standard against which the Certification Audit will be conducted.

Key Requirements of the SQF Food Packaging Code

Part B of the SQF FSC: Manufacture of Food Packaging outlines the following key requirements:

Module 13: Good Manufacturing Practices for Production of Food Packaging

Module 13 of the Food Packaging Code outlines the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) required to ensure the safety of food packaging materials. This module provides specific guidelines for maintaining hygienic and efficient operations in food packaging production facilities.

Benefits of SQF Packaging Certification

By following the requirements laid out above and successfully passing an audit, you can achieve SQF certification. Certification offers several key benefits:

Partner with QIMA/WQS for Your SQF Packaging Certification

QIMA/WQS offers SQF certification for food packaging manufacturers, ensuring your business meets the rigorous requirements set forth. Our in-depth understanding of the SQF Code, combined with a team of expert auditors specializing in the complexities of all sectors of food production, ensures your operation achieves and maintains certification.

Contact us to learn more about SQF certification or book an audit today to enhance your supply chain's safety, efficiency, and credibility.

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