A microwave oven on a kitchen counter top with food in it

Guide to NOM-032-ENER-2013: Mexican Limits for Standby Power Consumption for Electronic Equipment

NOM-032-ENER-2013 sets maximum power limits for electronic equipment and appliances that consume energy in standby mode, such as microwaves, printers, and some televisions. By setting these limits on power consumption, NOM-032 aims to reduce energy waste.

This article outlines the scope and compliance guidelines for NOM-032-ENER-2013, allowing you to sell your electronic equipment on the Mexican market with confidence.

For background information, see: What Is NOM Certification for Mexico?

Purpose of NOM-032-ENER-2013

NOM-032-ENER-2013 establishes critical guidelines for a variety of electronic devices, focusing on reducing energy consumption during standby modes. This standard also mandates the type of energy efficiency labeling required on these products.

Scope: Products Covered

NOM-032-ENER-2013 applies to a variety of electronic devices including:

These items are specified for use with single-phase power supplies ranging from 100 V to 277 V AC at 50 Hz or 60 Hz.


The standard does not apply to:

Source: Sections 1 and 2 of NOM-032-ENER-2013

Key Requirements of NOM-032-ENER-2013

Here is a high-level summary of the standard’s key requirements:

Standby Power Limits

To minimize energy wastage in standby mode, NOM-032-ENER-2013 defines strict power limits for a variety of electronic devices, ensuring they consume minimal electricity when not in active use (in standby mode). Here are the requirements:

Device Type

Standby Power Limit (Watts)

Digital TV Adapters

1.00 W

Decoders with Video Recording (DVR)

15.00 W

Decoders without DVR

5.00 W

Independent Audio Equipment

2.00 W

Separable Audio Equipment

2.00 W (per component)

Non-separable Audio Equipment

2.00 W


2.00 W


2.00 W


2.00 W


2.00 W

Multifunction Devices

2.00 W

Home Cinema (DVD, Blu-Ray)

2.00 W

Standard Microwaves

2.50 W

Combined Microwaves

5.00 W

Built-in Microwaves

5.00 W

LED Televisions

1.00 W

LCD Televisions

1.00 W

Plasma (PDP) Televisions

1.00 W

OLED Televisions

1.00 W

Labeling Requirements

Labeling for energy efficiency provides consumers with clear and accessible information about the energy consumption of electronic devices. NOM 032 requirements cover:

Testing and Compliance

To verify compliance with the specified standby power limits, NOM-032-ENER-2013 mandates rigorous testing procedures:

Ensure Compliance with QIMA-NYCE

By leveraging QIMA-NYCE's services, you can ensure your electronic products comply with NOM-032-ENER-2013, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties and streamlining the NOM certification process.

We offer comprehensive lab testing, technical guidance, and documentation review, to ensure your electronic devices meet the standard's requirements. Once compliance has been verified, we offer NOM certification, allowing you to gain access to the Mexican market.

To learn more about how we can assist you with NOM 032 ENER 2013 certification or to start the certification process, please learn more about our NOM certification services or contact us today to book.

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