EU GPSR Compliance Requirements - What You Need To Know

EU GPSR Compliance Requirements - What You Need To Know

What is the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)?

The General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) is the EU's latest update to product safety, which addresses challenges from digitalization and online sales. It is applicable to all non-food consumer products sold in the EU and has implications for manufacturers, importers, distributors, and online marketplaces.

The new GPSR was officially published on 23 May 2023 and is effective from 13 December 2024.

How is GPSR Different from Previous EU Requirements?

The new GPSR introduces more stringent and comprehensive measures compared to previous EU requirements, particularly in the design and production stage for manufacturers. Here’s how:

Increased Emphasis on Risk Assessment

Enhanced Technical Documentation

Broader Scope of Safety Features


Market Surveillance and Cooperation

GPSR Compliance Requirements

GPSR presents new compliance requirements for manufacturers, importers, distributors, and online marketplaces. Here is an over of the main requirements. Full requirements are available online from the EU.


In the design and production stagemanufacturers must ensure products are safe by design, conducting risk assessments and implementing safety features. They are required to prepare and maintain technical documentation demonstrating compliance, as well as ensure traceability of products throughout the supply chain.

Before going to marketmanufactures must perform internal testing and quality checks, as well as affix CE markings or other conformity markings where applicable and allowed. Once in the market, manufacturers must report accidents involving their products to authorities and establish procedures for effective recalls.


If the manufacturer is not stationed in the EU, the responsibility is transferred to the importer. Before entering the market, importers must verify that products comply with EU safety standards and ensure manufacturers have carried out appropriate conformity assessments and have proper documentation. Importers are also expected to maintain records of compliance documentation.

Importers are expected to conduct random checks on imported products to verify ongoing compliance and ensure proper labeling and safety information are included. They must also report any safety issues or accidents to the relevant authorities.


Distributors must verify that products meet safety requirements and have necessary documentation as well as ensure that products are properly labeled and include safety instructions. During distribution, they must monitor products for any signs of non-compliance or safety issues and report any incidents or safety concerns to the relevant authorities.

Furthermore, they must provide clear and accurate safety information to consumers and assist in recall efforts.

Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces must ensure that all products listed on their platforms comply with GPSR requirements. They are expected to implement measures to verify the compliance of products and sellers; non-compliant listings must be removed upon notification or discovery. Marketplaces are also required to cooperate with market surveillance authorities in monitoring and reporting safety issues. They must designate a single point of contact for consumer communications on product safety issues.

GPSR Guidance & Support

QIMA offers a range of services to help you ensure you maintain compliance with the EU’s GPSR. From lab testing, technical documentation, traceability over to conformity checks, our team of experts is here to help. Take advantage of our independent third-party testing and regulatory guidance to ensure your products are safe, compliant, and trusted by consumers. We also partner with ProductIP, to provide comprehensive regulatory and compliance information to help you make informed decisions about your products and supply chain.

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